Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How you ................Identify your encrypted password ??????

Identify your encrypted password:
  1. MD5 hashes are 32 characters long
  2. SHA-1 hashes are 40 characters long and consisted by a/A-f/F and 0-9
  3. Base 64 is really easy to identify because, usually it has equals(==) at the end of the hash
  4. Megan-35 passwords have the number "5" in their last digit
  5. Feron-74 hashes usually have "4" in their last digit
  6. Shadow hashes have the dollar ("$") sign among them.
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"Decrypting" Encrypted Strings:
  1. Cain&Able
  2. You can use sites which offer online decrypting service such as:
- Crypo
- HackersCoID
- PassCracking ( for MD5 ++)
- MD5Cracker ( Multiple MD5 Decrypting sites in one
- MD5Decrypter ( For MD5, NTLM and SHA1 Decrypting )
- ( For More Sites you may search on google...)
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Example :
Encrypted hash = gA3KBenufgZDfKOx8N3ABNhifgfDA+1kgO3cXNFU8IYCXNee8A3ABzFig0zdf7GG
Encrypted with: MD5 > Base-64 > GILA-7
So we will reverse Decrypt it
Decrypted GILA-7:
Encrypted Base-64:
Decrypted Base64:
Decrypted MD5:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In the next post i am show u how to break encrypted password by using cain and abel